Fischerscope HM2000 S is a modern Microhardness Testing Machine or nanoindentation gauging instrument used for finding the martens hardness HM, particular elastic quantities, the indentation hardness, the indentation modulus as well as supplementary material factors. This fischerscope Microhardness Testing device HM2000 S is tested according to ISO 14577-1 as well as ASTM E 2546 standards. In addition, it also measures the factors in nanometer and micro range.
- Available with a measuring head HT2000 that contains the test load generating unit, the position measurement unit and the indenter that is ideal for measuring indentation depth and whole electronic system.
- HM2000 S can be upgraded with a programmable positioning aid.
- Minimum requirements on sample preparation
- In-situ zero point determination while measuring
- Measurement of dark surfaces with no sample pretreatment
- Optional: additional stone plate along with silicon damper pads to decrease influence of vibrations
- Easy operations through the WIN-HCU ® Software
- Outstanding measuring head HT2000 temperature stability, the creep behavior of materials is determined accurately with measuring times up to numerous hours
- Ample load and depth variety
- Ideal for a number of applications like ceramic diamond-like carbon coatings, polymeric automotive clear coats, etc.
- High end designs for all environments
- Majority of samples is measured quickly without the need of preparation of special samples
- Exceptional thermal stability for study of rate-dependent polymers material properties
- Optional: Stone plate with silicon damper pads to decrease influence of vibrations
- Indentation: Berkovich, spherical indentors or Vickers are provided
- Dark surfaces measurement in the lack of sample pre-treatment
- Convenient operations with customizable WIN-HCU Software
Typical areas of application are
- Paint, synthetic coatings (PVD, CVD) or hard material
- Materials used in medical technology applications
- Plasma-applied coating systems
- Electroplated coatings (decorative, functional)
- Electronic components