These are uniquely designed and developed with high-precision, programmable XY-stage and an electrically.
These are user-friendly bench-top instruments acclaimed for sample stage moves into the loading position automatically, when the protective hood is opened.
These are compact sized, robust designed and ensure longer stability. Its laser pointer works as a positioning aid and supports the quick alignment of the sample to be measured.
These are operated through the powerful and user-friendly WinFTM® software and designed as per German regulations Deutsche Rntgenverordnung-rov". Its entire operation and evaluation of measurements as well as the clear presentation of measurement data is performed on a PC through software.
Typical areas of application are
Analysis of very thin coatings of 0.1 ¼m (0.004 mils)
Measurements of functional coatings in the electronics and semiconductor industries
Determination of complex multi-coating systems
Automated measurements, e.g., in quality control
Determination of the lead content in solder
General Specification
Intended use:Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence measuring instrument (EDXRF) to determine thin coatings and alloys
Element range:Aluminum Al (13) to Uranium U (92) up to 24 elements simultaneously
Design:Bench-top unit with hood opening upwards XY-stage and Z-axis electrically driven and programmable,Motor-driven changeable apertures and filters Video camera and laser pointer (class 1) for orienting the sample
These are uniquely designed and developed with high-precision, programmable XY-stage and an electrically.
These are user-friendly bench-top instruments acclaimed for sample stage moves into the loading position automatically, when the protective hood is opened.
These are compact sized, robust designed and ensure longer stability. Its laser pointer works as a positioning aid and supports the quick alignment of the sample to be measured.
These are operated through the powerful and user-friendly WinFTM® software and designed as per German regulations Deutsche Rntgenverordnung-rov". Its entire operation and evaluation of measurements as well as the clear presentation of measurement data is performed on a PC through software.
Typical areas of application are
Analysis of very thin coatings of ¤ 0.1 ¼m (0.004 mils)
Measurements of functional coatings in the electronics and semiconductor industries