Martens hardness testing: fischerscope HM2000 is used for for bulk material and coatings thicker than 1 m (0.04 mils). It is basically automated nanoindentation measuring system with measuring head HT2000. This martens hardness testing: fischerscope HM2000 is designed precisely for instrumented indentation test method and checked as per ISO 14577 standards. Moreover, it is ideally suitable for quality assurance, measurements in development, incoming inspection and process control.
The measuring head of Fischerscope HM2000 contains the test load generating unit, the indenter and the position measurement unit.
It modular design allows future upgradation.
Ample load and depth range; can be used for a broad range of applications from polymeric automotive clear coats to cermaic diamond-like carbon coatings
Motorized z-axis and fully automated surface detection for higher productivity
Enhanced high resolution optical system with autofocus and multiple objective turret
Custom granite structure for enhanced frame stiffness and low noise floor
Measure on smallest structures, cross-sections with high precision programable X/Y-table
Minimal sample preparation due to large working area and open layou
Measurement of dark surfaces without sample pretreatment
Vickers, Berkovich or spherical indentors are available
Optional: active damping table to reduce influence of vibrations
Easy operation through the customizable WIN-HCU Software
Typical areas of application are
Paint, synthetic or hard material coatings (PVD, CVD)
Electroplated coatings (decorative, functional)
Materials used specifically in medical technology applications
Fischerscope HM2000 S is a modern Microhardness Testing Machine or nanoindentation gauging instrument used for finding the martens hardness HM, particular elastic quantities, the indentation hardness, the indentation modulus as well as supplementary material factors. This fischerscope Microhardness Testing device HM2000 S is tested according to ISO 14577-1 as well as ASTM E 2546 standards. In addition, it also measures the factors in nanometer and micro range.
Available with a measuring head HT2000 that contains the test load generating unit, the position measurement unit and the indenter that is ideal for measuring indentation depth and whole electronic system.
HM2000 S can be upgraded with a programmable positioning aid.
Minimum requirements on sample preparation
In-situ zero point determination while measuring
Measurement of dark surfaces with no sample pretreatment
Optional: additional stone plate along with silicon damper pads to decrease influence of vibrations
Easy operations through the WIN-HCU ® Software
Outstanding measuring head HT2000 temperature stability, the creep behavior of materials is determined accurately with measuring times up to numerous hours
Ample load and depth variety
Ideal for a number of applications like ceramic diamond-like carbon coatings, polymeric automotive clear coats, etc.
High end designs for all environments
Majority of samples is measured quickly without the need of preparation of special samples
Exceptional thermal stability for study of rate-dependent polymers material properties
Optional: Stone plate with silicon damper pads to decrease influence of vibrations
Indentation: Berkovich, spherical indentors or Vickers are provided
Dark surfaces measurement in the lack of sample pre-treatment
Convenient operations with customizable WIN-HCU Software
Typical areas of application are
Paint, synthetic coatings (PVD, CVD) or hard material
Our micro hardness testing instrument - picodentor HM500 Light is an instrumented indentation tester/instrument which is user friendly and designed with high precision. It is used to measure nanome chanical properties like indentation modulus, indentation hardness, elastic modulus and creep. It is checked for quality as per the ISO 14577-1 and ASTM E 2546 standards. Furthermore, this picodentor HM500 Light is designed superbly with reduced positioning requirements and fixed configuration.
The measuring head contains the intender which is generally a diamond pyramid with 136 ° plane angle.
It is checked for quality under DIN EN ISO 14577-2 standards.
Indenters with a diamond pyramid according to Berkovich or with hard metal spheres are available as well.
The controlled touchdown of the measuring head leads to a very small machine compliance.
The measurement of the indentation depth is carried out with a resolution in the picometer range.
The micro hardness determination is computer controlled, free of any subjective influence, and thus independent of the operator.
Very simple operation
Excellent price/performance ratio: The achieved resolution and accuracy for the load and distance measurement is in the same range as that of instruments with a much higher purchasing price
Minimal sample preparation due to large working area and open layout
Measurements on dark surfaces without sample preparation
For simple specimen's geometries sufficient positioning accuracy of °m
Due to its granite design, the device is extremely dimensionally stable, has a very low thermal expansion and is excellently isolated against vibrations.
Additional vibration damping through closed measuring chamber and active anti-vibration table
Easy operation through the customizable WIN-HCU Software
Microhardness testing instrument - picodentor HM500 is checked for quality by our expert professionals as per the DIN EN ISO 14577-1 standards. It works on indentation depth method in which indenter is continuously pressed into the material tested with an increasing test load, and then unloaded. This microhardness testing instrument - picodentor HM500 is widely demanded in different industrial applications. Furthermore, it is extensively used for bulk material and coatings thinner than 1 ¼m (0.04 mils).
High resolutions for load ( 1 ¼N) and distance (40 pm); PICONDENTOR can be used for a broad range of applications
Motorized z-axis and fully automated surface detection for higher productivity
Enhanced high resolution optical system with auto focus and multiple objective turret
Custom granite structure for enhanced frame stiffness and low noise floor
Minimal sample preparation due to large working area and open layout
Measurement of dark surfaces without sample pretreatment
Measure on the smallest structures and cross-sections with high precision programmable X/Y table with a repeatability of 0,5 ¼m
Vickers, Berkovich, spherical and custom indentors are available
Additional vibration damping through closed measuring chamber and active anti-vibration table
Easy operation through the customizable WIN-HCU® Software
Typical areas of application are
Hard material coatings, general
Ultra thin DLC coatings
Protective coatings on glass
Soil-resistant coatings (sol-gel coatings)
Coatings of PC hard disks and CDs
Very thin paint coatings
Ion implanted surfaces
Nanocoatings for sensors
Medical technology (e.g. Implants)
Matrix effects in alloys
Biological materials
Ceramic materials
Hardness determination on cross-sectioned specimens